
Break Time #2

Today, I had to find to things that were misplaced in my office. How did these items get to where they are? Let's find out.

The book itself has many homes, this just being one of them. It's like that friend you had in high school that would come to your house and look in your fridge w/out asking, but you still welcome him in.

This guy is just asking to run away from his proper place.

This is bubble wrap, it never has a proper place, except within arms length of a chair for spontaneous popping.

I don't have a book shelf, so this awesome piece of work goes on the floor.

This piece of paper was looking longingly to hang out behind my door, so one day it just flew off my desk.

Sharpies ALWAYS show up in the weirdest places.

I was attempting to staple an gnat I caught to a piece of paper as a warning to other gnats, so my stapler wound up on my light table.

This piece of junk doesn't deserve a home.

I needed to tape my eyelids open just to stay awake at work. I need a 5 hour energy. No sugar, no crash.

Random pile of junk. Yes, those are tape rolls glued together. Yes, it's about 2 feet-ish tall. It's so tall, that I can't put it on my angled light table anymore, because gravity kicks it over.

This should teach each and everyone of you, that there is always a justifiable reason why things are not in their place. You just have to be creative with that justification. After all, the floor is the biggest shelf in the house.

Anyone want to share a reason why something is out of place? Leave it in a comment!

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