
Break Time #4

It's tricky to rock a rhyme, and create symbols for abstract words. I was tasked to use 4 straight, same length lines, and a circle to make pictograms for the words Pressure, Delirious, Lucky, Suspense, Dangerous, and Joyful.

Pressure: This was a softball just lobbed at me. I don't have much to contemplate about it.
Delirious: I found out a new meaning for the word. It is "wild with excitement". After I learned that, it didn't take me long to figure it out. Funny thing about perspective though is that those lines look so much longer than the pressure lines next to it. Trust me, I double checked.
Lucky: This is the word that gave me the most trouble. I wanted to try and represent a "lucky penny" but the lines were to long to fit in the circle. What do you do with a lucky penny though? You pick it up. So the lines are hands picking up the penny.
Suspense: Horror movies came to my mind instantly and the feeling of being trapped in the movie. There is no way out, and the walls are closing in as you realize you're the latest victim.
Dangerous: I wanted to spend a little bit more time on this to see if I could think of an alternative to the ever present "Warning" symbol.
Joyful: You're elated and generally flying when you're joyful.

This whole exercise make me think hard, and quickly. I only have about 15 minutes for break, so the brain has to be on overdrive. These skills directly translate to the workplace. Whether is a color change to a logo, or a whole new piece of packaging, I gotta be on my toes.

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